I have a simple application in which I only want to enable the calculate button only when no-errors are found (an error is recorded if the value is not a number, or a value is less than 0). I perform a few conditional checks using && and || operator. However, when only one input has been filled properly, without errors, the button is enabled. But, when an explicit wrong value has been specified the button is disabled again.
Code: https://github.com/KaustubhMaladkar/Tip-Calculator
if (!peopleError && !billError) {
if (billError || peopleError) submit.setAttribute("disabled", "")
Live site: https://kaustubhmaladkar.github.io/Tip-Calculator/
I would like to thank that @Nestoro for their comments on my question as most, if not all, of my answer is based their comments.
This code will solve the problem
if (!peopleError && !billError && Number(billElem.value) && Number(peopleElem.value)) submit.removeAttribute("disabled");
else submit.setAttribute("disabled", "");