I am super new to ES, so please, bear with me. I've searched everywhere online + tried different things but can't get an answer.
I have a structure mapping like this
"index_1": { ...
"index_2": { ...
"index_3": {
"mappings": {
"dynamic": "strict",
"properties": {
"keywords": {
"type": "nested",
"properties": {
"id": {
"type": "keyword",
"index": false,
"ignore_above": 256
"term": {
"type": "text",
"copy_to": [
"term_vector": "with_positions_offsets",
"analyzer": "pasc_index_autocomplete_analyzer",
"search_analyzer": "pasc_standard_analyzer"
"vocab": {
"type": "keyword",
"ignore_above": 256,
"copy_to": [
"vocabUri": {
"type": "keyword",
"ignore_above": 256,
"copy_to": [
"keywordsSearchField": {
"type": "text",
"analyzer": "pasc_standard_analyzer"
All indexes have the same mappings. What I'm trying to do, is calculate nested keywords array size for each document in every index, and group it by categories, like: keywords 1-5: 500 docs, keywords 6-10: 1000 docs, etc.
I was going around looking at script_fields initially before I discovered that they cant be used when aggregating. This is an example
"_source": "*",
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match_all": {}
"script_fields": {
"keywords_size": {
"script": {
"lang": "painless",
"source": "params['_source']['keywords'].size() > 1 && params['_source']['keywords'].size() <= 5"
"keywords_size1": {
"script": {
"lang": "painless",
"source": "params['_source']['keywords'].size() > 6 && params['_source']['keywords'].size() <= 10"
"keywords_size2": {
"script": {
"lang": "painless",
"source": "params['_source']['keywords'].size() > 11 && params['_source']['keywords'].size() <= 15"
"size": {
"script": {
"lang": "painless",
"source": "params['_source']['keywords'].size()"
Which works well enough adding some fields for every doc. I tried implementing the script to aggs as well, trying to create buckets for every category I require, but cant get it to work.
okay so i managed to solve this by using scripts. I will post the answer here if it helps anyone, however i would like to know what would the answer be by using nested fields aggregations without script. So, here goes
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match_all": {}
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"avg_keywords_per_study": {
"terms": {
"script": "if (params['_source']['keywords'] != null && (params['_source']['keywords'].length>=1 && params['_source']['keywords'].length<=5)){return '1 to 5'} else if (params['_source']['keywords'] != null && (params['_source']['keywords'].length>=6 && params['_source']['keywords'].length<=10)){return '6 to 10'} else if (params['_source']['keywords'] != null && (params['_source']['keywords'].length>=6 && params['_source']['keywords'].length<=10)){return '6 to 10'} else if (params['_source']['keywords'] != null && (params['_source']['keywords'].length>=11 && params['_source']['keywords'].length<=15)){return '11 to 15'} else if (params['_source']['keywords'] != null && (params['_source']['keywords'].length>=16 && params['_source']['keywords'].length<=20)){return '16 to 20'} else if (params['_source']['keywords'] != null && (params['_source']['keywords'].length>=21 && params['_source']['keywords'].length<=30)){return '16 to 20'} else return '31 or more';"
Sample Response:
"aggregations": {
"avg_keywords_per_study": {
"doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,
"sum_other_doc_count": 0,
"buckets": [
"key": "1 to 5",
"doc_count": 487
"key": "6 to 10",
"doc_count": 254
"key": "11 to 15",
"doc_count": 28
"key": "16 to 20",
"doc_count": 18
"key": "31 or more",
"doc_count": 8