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Vega Lite: How to show more charts below on clicking on a bar on the main bar chart

I am really new to Vega lite and wanted to write json specification that enables clicks on the bar which would show more graphs related to the one clicked. I couldn't find anything that could help me in this. My code for the bar is given below. How could I make it so when a bar is clicked, it opens more graphs below?

This is the main chart code I have made on Vega Lite Editor:

{"width": 400,
"height": 300,
  "data": {
    "values": [
    "Name": "01-ROWENA",
    "Dl": "1",
    "Cnc": "0",
    "I_Rate": "0.33444816", 
    "Month": "01-01-2020",
    "Model": "E75"
    "Name": "01-ROWENA",
    "Dl": "5",
    "Cnc": "3",
    "I_Rate": "0.53444816", 
    "Month": "01-01-2020",
    "Model": "E75"
    "Name": "01-ROWENA",
    "Dl": "3",
    "Cnc": "1",
    "I_Rate": "0.28444816", 
    "Month": "01-01-2020",
    "Model": "E75"
   "Name": "01-ROWENA",
    "Dl": "1",
    "Cnc": "0",
    "I_Rate": "0.33444816", 
    "Month": "01-01-2020",
    "Model": "E75"
   "Name": "01-ROWENA",
    "Dl": "1",
    "Cnc": "0",
    "I_Rate": "0.33444816", 
    "Month": "01-01-2020",
    "Model": "E75"
    "Name": "01-ROWENA",
    "Dl": "1",
    "Cnc": "0",
    "I_Rate": "0.33444816", 
    "Month": "01-01-2020",
    "Model": "E75"
    "Name": "01-ROWENA",
    "Dl": "1",
    "Cnc": "0",
    "I_Rate": "0.33444816", 
    "Month": "01-01-2020",
    "Model": "E75"
   "Name": "03-PERCY",
    "Dl": "3",
    "Cnc": "1",
    "I_Rate": "2.0",    
    "Month": "01-01-2020",
    "Model": "E75"
    "Name": "03-PERCY",
    "Dl": "1",
    "Cnc": "0",
    "I_Rate": "0.33444816", 
    "Month": "01-01-2020",
    "Model": "E75"
   "Name": "02-PENNY",
    "Dl": "1",
    "Cnc": "0",
    "I_Rate": "1.79444816", 
    "Month": "01-03-2020",
    "Model": "E75"
   "Name": "02-PENNY",
    "Dl": "2",
    "Cnc": "1",
    "I_Rate": "5.0",    
    "Month": "01-02-2020",
    "Model": "E75"
  {"Name": "02-PENNY",
    "Dl": "5",
    "Cnc": "0",
    "I_Rate": "0.29444816", 
    "Month": "01-01-2020",
    "Model": "E75"
  "encoding": {
    "x": {"field": "Name", "type": "nominal", "axis": {"labelAngle": -45, "title": null}}
  "layer": [
      "layer": [{
      "mark": {
        "type": "bar", 
        "xOffset": -20,
        "size": 45, 
        "color": "steelblue",
        "cursor": "pointer"},
      "encoding": {
        "y": {
          "aggregate": "sum",
          "field": "Dl",
          "type": "quantitative",
            "orient": "left", 
            "grid": true, 
            "title": "No. of Events"}
        },"color": {
          "datum": "Dl"
        "tooltip": [
      {"field": "Name", 
      "type": "nominal", 
      "title": "ATA System ID, Name"},
      {"field": "Dl", 
      "type": "quantitative", 
      "aggregate": "sum", 
      "title": "Dl"}
      "mark": {
        "type": "bar", 
        "size": 45, 
        "xOffset": 30, 
        "color": "maroon", 
        "tooltip": true,
        "cursor": "pointer"},
      "encoding": {
        "y": {"aggregate": "sum",
          "field": "Cnc",
          "type": "quantitative",
          "axis":{"orient": "left", "grid": true}
        },"color": {"datum": "Cnc"},
        "tooltip": [
      {"field": "Name", "type": "nominal", "title": "ATA System ID, Name"},
      {"field": "Cnc", "type": "quantitative", "aggregate": "sum", "title": "Cnc"}
      "mark": {"type": "point", 
      "shape": "triangle", 
      "filled": true,
      "size": 150,
      "color": {"datum": "I_Rate", "legend":{"color": "lightgreen", "symbolFillColor": "lightgreen"}},
      "tooltip": true
      "encoding": {
       "y": {
         "aggregate": "sum",
          "field": "I_Rate",
          "type": "quantitative",
          "axis": {
            "orient": "right", 
            "title": "I_Rate"},
           "scale": {"zero": false, "y": "independent"}
        "color": {
          "datum": "I_Rate", 
            "color": "lightgreen", 
            "symbolFillColor": "lightgreen"}},
        "tooltip": [
        "field": "Name", 
        "type": "nominal", 
        "title": "ATA System ID, Name"},
        "field": "I_Rate", 
        "type": "quantitative", 
        "aggregate": "sum", 
        "title": "I Rate"}
  ],"resolve": {"scale": {"y": "independent"}},
  "axis": {"labelFont": "arial", "titleFont": "arial"},
  "header": {"labelFont": "arial", "titleFont": "arial"},
  "mark": {"font": "arial"},
  "title": {"font": "arial", "subtitleFont": "arial"},
  "legend": {"orient": "top", "layout": {"top": {"anchor": "middle"}},  "labelFont": "arial", "titleFont": "arial"}}


  • Have you looked at the official examples? There are lots of interactive samples that you should be able to use as a guide including the following:

    Edit 1

    Here is a working example using expressions.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here


      "config": {"view": {"stroke": "transparent"}},
      "$schema": "",
      "description": "A dashboard with cross-highlighting.",
      "data": {"url": "data/movies.json"},
      "transform": [{"filter": "datum['Major Genre'] != null"}],
      "vconcat": [
          "width": 330,
          "height": 120,
          "mark": "bar",
          "params": [
            {"name": "pts", "select": {"type": "point", "encodings": ["x"]}}
          "encoding": {
            "x": {"field": "Major Genre", "axis": {"labelAngle": -90}},
            "y": {"aggregate": "count"},
            "color": {
              "condition": {"param": "pts", "value": "steelblue"},
              "value": "grey"
          "layer": [
              "mark": "rect",
              "encoding": {
                "x": {
                  "bin": {"maxbins": 10},
                  "field": "IMDB Rating",
                  "axis": {
                    "labelColor": {
                      "expr": "length(data('pts_store'))==0?'white':'black'"
                    "domainColor": {
                      "expr": "length(data('pts_store'))==0?'white':'black'"
                    "tickColor": {
                      "expr": "length(data('pts_store'))==0?'white':'black'"
                    "titleColor": {
                      "expr": "length(data('pts_store'))==0?'white':'black'"
                "y": {
                  "bin": {"maxbins": 10},
                  "field": "Rotten Tomatoes Rating",
                  "axis": {
                    "labelColor": {
                      "expr": "length(data('pts_store'))==0?'white':'black'"
                    "domainColor": {
                      "expr": "length(data('pts_store'))==0?'white':'black'"
                    "tickColor": {
                      "expr": "length(data('pts_store'))==0?'white':'black'"
                    "titleColor": {
                      "expr": "length(data('pts_store'))==0?'white':'black'"
                "color": {"aggregate": "count", "legend": null},
                "opacity": {"condition": {"param": "pts", "value": 0}, "value": 1}
              "transform": [{"filter": {"param": "pts"}}],
              "mark": "point",
              "encoding": {
                "x": {"bin": {"maxbins": 10}, "field": "IMDB Rating"},
                "y": {"bin": {"maxbins": 10}, "field": "Rotten Tomatoes Rating"},
                "size": {"aggregate": "count", "legend": null},
                "color": {"value": "#666"},
                "opacity": {"condition": {"param": "pts", "value": 0}, "value": 1}