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Kibana - missing text highlighting for multi-field mapping

I am experimenting with ECS - Elastic Common Schema. We need to highlight text search for the field error.stack_trace . This field is a multi-field mapped defined here

I just did a simple test running Elasticsearch and Kibana 7.17.4 one field defined as multi-field and one with single field.

PUT simple-index-01
    "mappings": {
      "properties": {
        "stack_trace01": { "type": "text" },
            "stack_trace02": {
              "fields": {
                "text": {
                  "type": "text"
              "type": "wildcard"

POST simple-index-01/_doc 
  "@timestamp" : "2022-06-07T08:21:05.000Z", 
  "stack_trace01": "java.lang.NullPointerException: null",
  "stack_trace02": "java.lang.NullPointerException: null"

enter image description here

Is it a Kibana expected behavior not to highlight multi-fields?


  • wildcard type will be not available to search using full text query as mentioned in documentaion (it is part of keyword type family):

    The wildcard field type is a specialized keyword field for unstructured machine-generated content you plan to search using grep-like wildcard and regexp queries.

    So when you try below query it will not return result and this is the reason why it is not highlghting your stack_trace02 field in discover.

    POST simple-index-01/_search
      "query": {
        "match": {
          "stack_trace02": "null"

    But below query will give result:

      "query": {
        "wildcard": {
          "stack_trace02": {
            "value": "*null*"

    You can create index mapping something like below and your parent type field should text type:

    PUT simple-index-01
      "mappings": {
        "properties": {
          "stack_trace01": {
            "type": "text"
          "stack_trace02": {
            "fields": {
              "text": {
                "type": "wildcard"
            "type": "text"

    enter image description here

    You can now use stack_trace02.wildcard when you want to search wildcard type of query.

    There is already open issue on similar behaviour but it is not for wildcard type.