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KUSTO QUERY LANGUAGE (KQL) - Cannot unpack the dictionary

I have a table wherein i uploaded the file with a column converted to json. but when im tryin to upack it using KQL. it does not work.

Id  Query Name  Workitem Id Logged Date Details
0   Bug Stats   111 2022-06-08T02:26:43.111196Z {'AssignedTo': 'me', 'ClosedDate': None, 'CreatedDate': '2022-03-08T19:28:15.673Z', 'StartDate': None, 'State': 'For Review', 'Tags': 'tags', 'Title': 'Title', 'WorkItemType': 'Bug'}

Returns nothing

|extend  Details = parse_json(Details) //i tried todynamic() as well but same response
|evaluate bag_unpack(Details) 

Returns Error:

|evaluate bag_unpack(Details) 

ERROR: Semantic error: evaluate bag_unpack(): the following error(s) occurred while evaluating the output schema: evaluate bag_unpack(): argument #1 expected to be a reference to a dynamic column. Query: 'DevopsQueriesTest |evaluate bag_unpack(Details) '


    1. you do need to first invoke parse_json() on Details, for creating a dynamic value out of a string value.


    2. the input string you have isn't a valid JSON payload - it uses single quotes instead of double quotes.

    print s = "{'AssignedTo': 'me', 'ClosedDate': None, 'CreatedDate': '2022-03-08T19:28:15.673Z', 'StartDate': None, 'State': 'For Review', 'Tags': 'tags', 'Title': 'Title', 'WorkItemType': 'Bug'}"
    | project s = parse_json(replace_string(translate("'", '"', s), "None", '"None"'))
    | evaluate bag_unpack(s)
    AssignedTo ClosedDate CreatedDate StartDate State Tags Title WorkItemType
    me None 2022-03-08 19:28:15.6730000 None For Review tags Title Bug