I am making a game in SDL2, and I've decided to add an FPS counter. The number for the counter needs to update every second, and here's how I've accomplished that
bool updateFPS() {
if (fpsDTime == 1) { // time between update has been one second
frameCounterS++; // add an extra frame
fpsTime = currentTime; // reset timer
// My attempt at converting my int to a char to display
char SframeCounterS[MAX_DIGITS + sizeof(char)];
std::to_chars(SframeCounterS, SframeCounterS + MAX_DIGITS, frameCounterS);
// Rendering the text
message = TTF_RenderText_Blended(HPusab, SframeCounterS, White); // Loading text to a variable
std::cout << SframeCounterS << std::endl; // Console Debugging
if (message == NULL) {
std::cout << "Could not create message! " << SDL_GetError() << std::endl;
return false;
// code will stop running here because I used a return statement
} // Error Checking Function
slotEight = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(gRenderer, message); // Creating a texture from my surface
if (slotEight == NULL) {
std::cout << "Could not create Message! " << SDL_GetError() << std::endl;
return false;
// code will stop running here because I used a return statement
} // More error checking!
rslotEight.x = 30; // controls the rect's x coordinate
rslotEight.y = 10; // controls the rect's y coordinte
rslotEight.w = message->w; // controls the width of the rect
rslotEight.h = message->h; // controls the height of the rect
frameCounterS = 0; // Reset the FPS counter
The reason I am trying to convert to a char and not a string is because the TTF_RenderText
method requires a char as input for the text. It does display the numbers like I want it to, but it has a bunch of garbage characters at the end.
I suspect you're just seeing uninitialized bytes from SframeCounterS
. You should either clear the buffer with a memset(SframeCounterS, 0, sizeof(SframeCounterS));
, or work with a string, which would simplify the code as well:
TTF_RenderText_Blended(HPusab, std::to_string(frameCounterS).c_str(), White);