I have created a x509 certificate. There is a set of openssl commands I used to create it, for example the first command it:
openssl genrsa -passout pass:"$MYPWD" -out privkey.key 2048
where "$MYPWD" is an environment variable where I set the password. After executing this command, how would I check that the password is actually the value of MYPWD environment variable, and not just literally "$MYPWD"?
Thank you everyone in advance!
You must specify a cypher to encrypt the output.
openssl genrsa -aes256 -passout env:MYPWD -out privkey.key 2048
To verify that the password was actually set, simply read back the key:
openssl pkey -in privkey.key
You will see the password prompt.
You can also inspect the content of the privkey.key, "ENCRYPTED"... will be there.
cat privkey.key
Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
DEK-Info: AES-256-CBC,3A2E02985A117F7266F9664420F685B2