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Xcode indentation key bindings

Is there a way to get Xcode 4 to indent text so that pressing tab on selected text would indent it, shift + tab would unindent like in many editors?

The default ⌘] and ⌘[ do not seem to work, probably because I have a Finnish keyboard layout. Pressing the key combination for [ (alt + 8) and additionally holding down does not indent.

In Xcode preferences I found "Key Bindings" and "Shift Right", "Shift Left", but it does not seem to understand shift + tab. If I try to press shift + tab I get ⇧⌘⇤.

enter image description here


  • Setting the Tab binding for Shift Right did not work for me either even when remapping "Insert Tab" to something else (seems hardcoded/bug). However I did get Alt + Tab and Shift + Alt + Tab binding working (with the Finnish Keyboard layout, didn't test extended or sami). I still had to remap "Insert Tab without Extra Action" from Alt + Tab to Alt + Ctrl + Tab, you could avoid this by using Ctrl instead of Alt for shifting.

    Here is the xml file for it.

    cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/KeyBindings

    vi Default.idekeybindings (probably empty plist, if not extend appropriately)


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
        <key>Menu Key Bindings</key>
            <key>Key Bindings</key>
                    <string>Editor Menu for Source Code</string>
                    <key>Keyboard Shortcut</key>
                    <string>~   </string>
                    <key>Parent Title</key>
                    <string>Shift Right</string>
                    <string>Editor Menu for Source Code</string>
                    <key>Keyboard Shortcut</key>
                    <key>Parent Title</key>
                    <string>Shift Left</string>
        <key>Text Key Bindings</key>
            <key>Key Bindings</key>
                <key>^~ </key>