I have string data in the format "hh:mm" e.g. 05:00. I want it in Milliseconds e.g 1800000
and i get the following output: 1654574400000 but what i want it in seconds so i can compare it against a different value. I have tried putting .toMillis() at the end
and it comes back with "Unhandled Rejection (TypeError): Class constructor DateTime cannot be invoked without 'new'".
When a time is passed to fromISO, the current date is used. To get the time in milliseconds, parse it to a DateTime and subtract a DateTime for the start of the day, e.g.
let DateTime = luxon.DateTime;
function timeToMs(time) {
let then = DateTime.fromISO(time);
let now = DateTime.fromISO("00:00");
return then - now;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/luxon/2.4.0/luxon.min.js"></script>
You can also use plain JS:
function timeToMS(time) {
let [h, m, s, ms] = time.split(/\D/);
return h*3.6e6 + (m||0)*6e4 + (s||0)*1e3 + (ms||0)*1;