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I cannot get list values to be preserved in helm template

For some reason I cannot get list values to be preserved in helm template:


args: {{  .Values.args  }}


args: ["-c","echo 'test'; sleep 5"]

helm template --debug:

args: [-c echo 'test'; sleep 5]

What am I missing ?


  • When you do {{ .Values.args }}, you get the value from the values file as go data structure, so that you may use it in different ways.
    In your case, this is a slice. If you print a slice in go, it will look like this [a b c], no commas or quotes, for example. That's what you see here.

    The usual technique is using toJson or toYaml.

    args: {{- .Values.args | toYaml | nindent 2 }}
    args: {{ .Values.args | toJson }}

    Note, the value for nindent depends on where in your template you use this. 2 is probably not correct, it should be at least 2 more indented than args is in your template.