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Kusto: How to filter Logs in a certain time period?

I want to filter SignIn-Logs with Kusto whose timestamps are only between 6pm and 6am.

Something like that

| where TimeGenerated between(dateStart .. dateEnd)

All examples I have found are always based on a full timestamp with exact date, like (2014-05-25T08:20:03.123456Z). But I am only interested in the time.

Any idea how to solve this?


  • Kusto: How to filter Logs in a certian time period?

    • between operator - Filters a record set for data that falls within an inclusive range of values.
    • between is used to allow a certain range, but you can also use !between to exclude a time range.
    • Here Iam excluding from 6 am to 6 pm , so it gives the left over time range i.e.. from 6pm to 6 am

    Try the below query

    | where TimeGenerated > ago(1d)
    | extend hour = datetime_part("hour", TimeGenerated)
    | where hour !between (6 .. 18)

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