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Method call with an argument of type array with a valueRank > 1 fails with 'BadInvalidArgument'

I'm using node-opcua to create an opc-ua server using node.js.

On the server-side, I register a method that has an 2-Dimensional Array as an input argument. When browsing the server from a client like UaExpert, I see the method with a proper descriptions of the arguments. I can set the argument-values from the client, but calling the method just fails with a BadInvalidArgument exception.

As soon as I change the dimension of the array to 1 (by setting valueRank to 1), everything works as expected.

I'm following the minimal sample from node-opcua on server-methods:

const { 
} = require("node-opcua");

(async () => {
    try {
        const server = new OPCUAServer({
            port: 4334 // the port of the listening socket of the server
        await server.initialize();
        const addressSpace = server.engine.addressSpace;
        const namespace = addressSpace.getOwnNamespace();
        const myDevice = namespace.addObject({
            organizedBy: addressSpace.rootFolder.objects,
            browseName: "MyDevice"
        //_"adding a method on the device object"
        const method = namespace.addMethod(myDevice,{

            browseName: "Bark",
            inputArguments:  [
                    description: { text: "specifies the number of time I should bark" },
                    dataType: DataType.Int32,
                    valueRank: 2,
                    arrayDimensions: [2, 2]
            outputArguments: [{
                 description:{ text: "the generated barks" },
                 dataType: DataType.UInt32,
                 valueRank: -1
        //_"binding the method with your own function"
        method.bindMethod((inputArguments,context,callback) => {
            const callMethodResult = {
                statusCode: StatusCodes.Good,
                outputArguments: [{
                        dataType: DataType.String,
                        arrayType: VariantArrayType.Array,
                        value :99

        await server.start();
        console.log("Server is now listening ... ( press CTRL+C to stop)");
        const endpointUrl = server.endpoints[0].endpointDescriptions()[0].endpointUrl;
        console.log(" the primary server endpoint url is ", endpointUrl );        
    catch(err) {

Here is a screenshot before calling the method from UaExpert:

Calling method bark

It seems the client correctly recognizes the argument as an array with the dimension [2x2]. But when calling the method, I just get a BadInvalidArgument exception on the client-side.

Any hints what I'm doing wrong?


  • It's probably a bug in the node-opcua stack.