I have two schemas as the following:
const castListSchema = new Schema({
id: String,
roleInVideo: String
const videoSchema = new Schame({
castList: { type: [castListSchema], default: [] }
I want to get data by the following structure:
castList: [
details: { ... },
roleInVideo: 'director'
I want to use virtual
not aggregate
and etc...
Is it possible? How?
Yes, you can use the virtual function inside the array of objects.
Use the following code to use the virtual function for the array of objects.
videoSchema.virtual("castList.castData", {
ref: "new_assets",
localField: "castList.castListSchema",
foreignField: "_id",
justOne: true
In populate also use this "castList.castData" as key to retrieve the data.