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OCI: Create nodes in Kubernetes nodepool with bastion agent configured

I'm trying to deploy a Kubernetes cluster in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure using Terraform.

I want that every node deployed (in private subnet) has the Bastion agent plugin activate in Cloud Agent.

But I cannot see how to define the details of the instance (setting agent_config in the node pool instances).

My code, until now is:

resource "oci_containerengine_cluster" "generated_oci_containerengine_cluster" {
    compartment_id = var.cluster_compartment
    endpoint_config {
        is_public_ip_enabled = "true"
        subnet_id =
    kubernetes_version = var.kubernetes_version
    name = "josealbarran_labcloudnative_oke"
    options {
        kubernetes_network_config {
            pods_cidr = ""
            services_cidr = ""
        service_lb_subnet_ids = []
    vcn_id = var.cluster_vcn

# Check doc:
resource "oci_containerengine_node_pool" "node_pool01" {
    cluster_id = "${}"
    compartment_id = var.cluster_compartment
    initial_node_labels {
        key = "name"
        value = "pool01"
    kubernetes_version = var.kubernetes_version
    name = "lab_cloud_native_oke_pool01"

    node_config_details {
        size = "${length(}"
        dynamic "placement_configs" {
            for_each =[*].name
            content {
                availability_domain = placement_configs.value
                subnet_id =

    node_shape = "VM.Standard.A1.Flex"
    node_shape_config {
        memory_in_gbs = "16"
        ocpus = "1"
    node_source_details {
        image_id = ""
        source_type = "IMAGE"
    ssh_public_key = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3xxxxxxxx......."

  timeouts {
      create = "60m"
      delete = "90m"


  • You can use the "cloudinit_config" to run the custom script in OKE node pool in OCI.

    second_script_template = templatefile("${path.module}/cloudinit/",{})

    More scripts like

    data "cloudinit_config" "worker" {
      gzip          = false
      base64_encode = true
      part {
        filename     = ""
        content_type = "text/x-shellscript"
        content      = local.worker_script_template
      part {
        filename     = ""
        content_type = "text/x-shellscript"
        content      = local.second_script_template
      part {
        filename     = ""
        content_type = "text/x-shellscript"
        content      = local.third_script_template

    Refer :

    If you are looking forward to just edit the default script :