Search code examples

I'm following a tutorial and get an uncaught Syntax error in promise while the code in the video works just fine, Please look into it

I'm a learner on currently following a YouTube tutorial on JS, And the below code worked fine in the video, but I get an error message

error: Uncaught (in promise) SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data

Console log shows the line which has the code console.log("finished!"); as the line with the error

The JS code:

const getDataFromForm = () => {
  const requestObj = {
    firstName: "Humaid",
    lastName: "Ahamed",
    categories: ["nerdy"],
  return requestObj;

const buildRequestUrl = (requestData) => {

const requestJokeAnotherMethod = async (url) => {
  const Response = await fetch(url);
  const jsonResponse = await Response.json();
  const joke = jsonResponse.value.joke;

const postJokeToPage = (joke) => {

const processJokeRequest = async () => {
  const requestData = getDataFromForm();
  const requestUrl = buildRequestUrl(requestData);
  await requestJokeAnotherMethod(requestUrl);



  • I've notice that I've forgot to return the Chuck Norris API link, Now the code works like charm, Thank you for that person that pointed out my mistake

    I had previously not included the return statement in the below function:

    const buildRequestUrl = (requestData) => {
      return `${requestData.firstName}&lastName=${requestData.lastName}&limitTo=${requestData.categories}`;