I would like to pass value to another compoment ex: a name of country, and use it on the other compoment
I make the link like that and i want to send the value "France" to another compoment (via dataHere) :
<ion-img class="logo-flag-greece" alt="mylogo" ></ion-img>
<span routerLink="/tabs/result" dataHere="France" class="text">France</span>
How can i do that ?
in you html file
<ion-img class="logo-flag-greece" alt="mylogo" ></ion-img>
<span (click)="show_result()" dataHere="France" class="text">France</span>
import {Router} from "@angular/router";
constructor(private router:Router){}
queryParams: {
data: your_data
and in your result.page.ts file
import {ActivatedRoute} from "@angular/router";
constructor(private activatedRoute:ActivatedRoute){}
this.activatedRoute.queryParams.subscribe(params => {
this.country_data = params['data'];
But I don't recommend this work around. Instead use "service". Your can pass data from one page to another this way. Learn more about service in https://edupala.com/ionic-service/