I have a fn that creates and populate variable linkedinInsight
when its invoked.
Just a quick overview of this fn, it will check the response data and see if there is a match. If yes, it would populate the linkedinInight
variable with the data.
Using Ternary operation, I am unable to display "undefined" when the variable is undefined.
linkedinInsight === undefined ? "undefined" : "Variable exist"
However, if the fn gets a match, I could see "Variable exist"
In the case where variable is undefined
from the console, it is showing
Error handling response: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'insight_tags')
at chrome-extension://fpncfpgjnkfnlafmojhhpgophpgikaao/popup.js:13:60
The objective here is to present the data and if we couldnt find data, I would like to return a "Data not found message".
Any help guys?
function () {
var checkPageButton = document.getElementById("clickIt");
function () {
chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function (tab) {
const backgroundPage = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage();
const linkedinInsight =
linkedinInsight === undefined ? "undefined" : "Variable exist"
The issue is in below line, replace
const linkedinInsight =
const linkedinInsight =
(backgroundPage && backgroundPage["_linkedin_pixel_data"] && backgroundPage["_linkedin_pixel_data"][tab.id] && backgroundPage["_linkedin_pixel_data"][tab.id].insight_tags) || undefined;
Or if optional chaining is supported
const linkedinInsight =