To ignore php code in gulp-htmlmin I use
ignoreCustomFragments: [/<\?(php|=)[\s\S]*?(?:\?>|$)/]
But in my php code there is a string which contains the following fragment - "<?xml ... ?>". This string gives a mistake of gulp-htmlmin. I think it is because the string has "?>" which "closes" php code before its actual end.
How to set regex of ignoreCustomFragments
to avoid the mistake?
# match any symbol except ? or ' or "
# or ? not followed by >
| \?(?!>)
# or match '...' substring
| '(?:
# match any symbol except '
# or ' preceded by \
| (?<=\\)'
# or match "..." substring
| "(?: [^"] | (?<=\\)" )*"
For handling comments:
# match any symbol except ? or ' or " or /
# or ? not followed by >
| \? (?!>)
# or / not followed by [*/]
| \/ (?![*\/])
# or match comment //
| \/\/ [^\r\n]+
# or match comment /* */
| \/\* (?: [^*] | \*(?!\/) )+ \*\/
# or match '...' substring
| '(?:
# match any symbol except '
# or ' preceded by \
| (?<=\\)'
# or match "..." substring
| "(?: [^"] | (?<=\\)" )*"