I got a bunch of XML files that contain an ID. e.g.
I need to check, e.g. which file contains a WINE_PRODUCER id=9456:
$content = file_get_contents("my.xml");
$Num = 9456;
$pattern = "<WINE_PRODUCER>$Num<\/WINE_PRODUCER>";
$res = preg_match("$pattern", $content);
I got error PHP Warning: preg_match(): Unknown modifier '9'
basically it does not like numbers in the pattern.
What do I do? googled a lot but all lead to matching a group of numbers...
PS: I do not want to use DOM xml parser in this case due to performance.
If you always need to match a fixed number you can just do a strstr
$num = 9456;
$find = "<WINE_PRODUCER>". $num . "</WINE_PRODUCER>";
$found = strstr($content, $find) !== false;
To fix your regular expression, you need to specify delimiters:
$pattern = "@<WINE_PRODUCER>$Num<\/WINE_PRODUCER>@";
should work, but you probably don't need a regexp.