i have this iframe here, and i want to doanload the window page with pdf inside, js function print() only shows the page, i want to download it automatically, bellow is the full code (i tryed with jspdf too).
<iframe id="conteudoIframe" src="https://eproc.trf4.jus.br/eproc2trf4/controlador.php?acao=acessar_documento_publico&doc=41625504719486351366932807019&evento=20084&key=0562cc6eddee0cc4a81dd869f92328dceab34deeaa59f4a33c43da6361cf42d6&hash=08920b364dc8433ad071d6b10c7e3817" name="superior" width="100%" height="560px"></iframe>
function downloadPdfFromIframe() {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jspdf/1.3.2/jspdf.min.js';
script.onload = () => { setTimeout(download(), 20000); };
function download() {
var myIframe = document.getElementById("conteudoIframe").contentWindow;
var pdf = new jsPDF();
return false;
Iframes are only a window to remote objects thus while viewing they are showing both the already downloaded html surround and the already downloaded PDF but the PDF is independent It may be downloaded before or after the frame, you can see the pdf behind the print html dialog. So the PDF is in a different application as seen in the second browser view of your HTML.
Thus you have to save/print either one at a time. Frame object or Pdf object, to get both is not impossible, just needs to be done with a suitable application (not browser). So just like here I have ScreenShots, those canvases can be easily saved or printed as PDF.
A Chrome based Browser viewing the iFrame for printing
A Firefox based Browser viewing the iFrame to print using any other method like open in a second application window.
If you need to download the two parts outside a browser then use two Download Commands so here is my.pdf
curl -o my.pdf "https://eproc.trf4.jus.br/eproc2trf4/controlador.php?acao=acessar_documento_implementacao&doc=41625504719486351366932807019&evento=20084&key=0562cc6eddee0cc4a81dd869f92328dceab34deeaa59f4a33c43da6361cf42d6&hash=08920b364dc8433ad071d6b10c7e3817&termosPesquisados="