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How do I write a regex that matches a certain character within brackets?

So I have a string that's like this,


So I want to check for '|' character and ignore if it's in the brackets like I have shown in the example.

I have added this regex but it's not capturing all scenarios that I have described.



If I have string like this,

|Hello all, | morning [name|address] |

Then I am breaking the string by | character. But I don't want to consider | character which are inside the brackets while breaking the string.


  • You can use

    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.regex.*;
    class Test
        public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
            String s = "|Hello all, | morning [name|address] |";
            Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(?:\\([^()]*\\)|\\[[^\\]\\[]*]|[^|])+");
            Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(s);
            while (matcher.find()){

    See the regex demo and the Java demo.


    • (?: - start of a non-capturing group:
      • \([^()]*\)| - (, zero or more chars other than ( and ), and then a ) char, or
      • \[[^\]\[]*]| - [, zero or more chars other than a [ or ] char, and then a ] char, or
      • [^|] - any single char other than a pipe char
    • )+ - end of the group, repeat one or more times.

    Note that in Android, Java, ICU regex flavors, both [ and ] must be escaped inside character classes.