I tried this approach but I was not getting the first element of the string. I tried to convert in the opposite way which was way too easy. But in this one somehow I am missing something. Question is, we need to decipher a string from "aabbcdd" to "a2 b2c1d2"
function check(len, string){
// var obj = {};
var new_string = "";
var count =1;
for(var i=0; i < string.length; i++){
let str = string[i];
if(string[i]===string[i+1] ){
new_string = new_string + string[i+1] + count;
if(string[i]!== string[i-1] && string[i]!== string[i+1] && string[i-1] !==undefined){
count = 1;
new_string = new_string + string[i-1] + count;
// console.log(string[i],string[i+1], count)
Thank you
You'll need to handle the first character of the string differently than the other characters, and you'll also need to update the string again at the end after you've handled the final character.
Here's a heavily commented example demonstrating how you can do so. If something is unclear, feel free to ask for clarification in a comment.
You might find it useful to reference
iterators on MDN.
// Regular expression used to validate each unit (character) of the string
// in the following function, but we instantiate it once instead of
// every time the function is called
const lowerAlphaCharacterRegex = /^[a-z]$/;
// Validate the expected character
function validate (str) {
if (!lowerAlphaCharacterRegex.test(str)) throw new Error('Invalid input');
function encode (input) {
let result = '';
// Get an interator for the string to handle each unit
const iter = input[Symbol.iterator]();
// Get the first unit and assign it to the working character state
let previous = iter.next().value;
// Validate that it meets the criteria
// Set the intiial count to 1
let count = 1;
// Iterate over the remaining units in the string
for (const char of iter) {
// Validate that it meets the criteria
// Simply update the count and continue to the next loop iteration
// if the current character is the same as the previous one
if (char === previous) {
count += 1;
// Otherwise...
// Update the result
result += `${previous}${count}`;
// Update the character state
previous = char;
count = 1;
// Update the result from the remaining state
result += `${previous}${count}`;
return result;
const input = 'aabbcdd';
const expected = 'a2b2c1d2';
const actual = encode(input);
valid: actual === expected,