#ifndef dummy_h
#define dummy_h
extern const int dummy;
#include "dummy.h"
const int a = 384; //I modify the question to reflect that
const int b = 1; //dummy is the addition of a and b. I cannot
const int dummy = a + b; //change a and b. Have to stay like this.
//const int dummy = 385; //define dummy in dummy.c to avoid duplicated symbol issue.
#ifndef foo_h
#define foo_h
#include "dummy.h"
extern const int foo;
#include "foo.h"
const int foo = dummy + 1; //<--- The problem is that dummy is not a compile-time constant
#include <stdio.h>
#include "foo.h"
int main() {
printf("Hello World. foo = %d\n", foo);
return 0;
cc main.c dummy.c foo.c -o dummy
rm dummy
This is a snapshot of a much larger program that I am currently working on. I understand why I can't use dummy in foo.c. However, I am not sure what will be the more elegant solution to it.
Basically, I want to define dummy variable in dummy.c and foo in foo.c, and at the same time, I need to find a way to initialize foo with dummy in foo.c.
Wonder if this can be done?
It can't be done directly because dummy
is only a constant integer and not an integer constant, and only integer constants can be used in initializers for global variables.
You can do it indirectly with a macro (or enumeration constant) defining the value used to initialize dummy
and also then foo
In dummy.h
enum { DUMMY_INITIALIZER = 385 };
In dummy.c
const int dummy = DUMMY_INITIALIZER;
In foo.c
const int foo = DUMMY_INITIALIZER + 1;
I'm assuming there's a good reason why you need foo
and shouldn't write dummy + 1
everywhere you use foo
. One good reason would be that you write foo
a lot (more than once?).
A question, suggested by jamesdlin in a comment:
Do you really need
const int
(Are constant variables really variables?) Anyway, you could also solve the problem just using enumeration constants:
In dummy.h
enum { DUMMY = 385 };
In dummy.c, do not attempt to define dummy
; use DUMMY
In foo.h
enum { FOO = DUMMY + 1 };
And in main.c, use FOO
instead of foo
. Since the enumeration values are compile-time integer constants, you don't have the problems distinguishing between integer constants and constant integers.
See also "static const
" vs "#define
" vs "enum
"?. If you do need to pass pointers to constant integers to functions, you can define an appropriate variable locally:
void one_function(void)
const int foo = FOO;