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How to get the Solana unix_timestamp on the front-end (in JavaScript)?

Solana Rust smart contracts have access to


which is seconds from epoch (midnight Jan 1st 1970 GMT) but has a significant drift from any real-world time-zone as a product of Solana's slowdowns over time. Many contracts factor in this unix timestamp when calculating reward amounts (notably Step Finance and therefore Gem Farm which reuses the logic). How can I reconstruct this Solana unix timestamp on the front-end in JavaScript without requiring any transaction / wallet signature? Calls to a Solana node RPC are fine.


  • You can use the getBlockTime endpoint from JSON RPC. First you'll need the highest slot using the getSlot. That would become:

    const connection = new Connection('', 'processed');
    const slot = await connection.getSlot();
    const timestamp = await connection.getBlockTime(slot);

    More info at and