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How can I get getter functions in javascript?

I'm trying to get getter functions in javascript instance.


class T {
  internal values = a, b
  getters = c, d

const getters = []
for (key in test) {
  if (test[key] is getter)
getters.forEach(getter => (getter.bind(test))()) // calls c() and d()

I thought Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors can give me a getters, but it didn't work.

I saw the prototype(if I make instance via class) has getters, but I cannot access these values.

My code:

class Test {
  constructor() {
    this.a = 1;
    this.b = 2;

  get c() { return this.a; }
  get d() { this.a + this.b; }

const test = new Test();

  Object { constructor: {…}, c: {…}, d: {…} }
   c: Object { get: c(), enumerable: false, configurable: true, … }
   constructor: Object { writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true, … }
   d: Object { get: d(), enumerable: false, configurable: true, … }
test.__proto__.c; // undefined
test.__proto__.c(); // Uncaught TypeError: test.__proto__.c is not a function

There is c in prototype, but I can't access these values.

Is there any way to get these getters?

If link that I have to read exists, please notice me. Thank you.


  • You need to extract the get property from the descriptor and then use that - if you try to access the .c property directly, you'll be invoking the getter (or setter).

    class Test {
      constructor() {
        this.a = 1;
        this.b = 2;
      get c() { return this.a; }
      get d() { this.a + this.b; }
    const test = new Test();
    const testGetters = Object.values(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(Object.getPrototypeOf(test)))
      .filter(descriptor => descriptor.get)
      .map(descriptor => descriptor.get);
    console.log('Invoking getter manually:', testGetters[0].call(test));