Component1 code. I want to pass to this component the name of the function that run at the click in the link.
`<a [routerLink]="linkTo" class="nav-link" (click)="CLICKFUNCTION">
<span class="sidebar-icon">
<span class="sidebar-text">{{text}}</span>
Here i am using component1. And i want to pass to the component the name of the function.
<component1 text="Logout" functionName="CLICKFUNCTION"> </component1>
Seems we could use @Output
here to achieve your scenario. It allows communication between parent and child component.
import { Component, OnInit, EventEmitter, Output } from '@angular/core';
export class Component1 implements OnInit {
@Output clickLink = new EventEmitter(); // define output
constructor() { }
ngOnInit() { }
<a [routerLink]="linkTo" class="nav-link" (click)="clickLink.emit()">
<component1 text="Logout" (clickLink)="CLICKFUNCTION()"> </component1>
So, whenever router link inside component1
is clicked, it will run CLICKFUNCTION()