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Why doesn't Angular i18n work properly in my project?

I am implementing an i18n for a personal project which uses Atomic Design for components. So far I haven't encountered any problems (and I am pretty new to Angular), but for the last couple of days I've lost sleep on this topic. Trying to extract the i18n properties has proven to be more troublesome than it's been worth it so far.


Running ng extract-i18n only works for app.component.html and not for the subfolders.

I've tried this also in a barebone project:

ng new testProject
cd testProject
npm i @angular/localize
ng generate component testA
ng generate component components/testB

Now for a bit of grunt work:

Modify each component to include a simple i18n declaration. I used a these in respective files:

<p i18n="@@app">app</p> <!--@ src/app/app.component.html-->
<p i18n="@@testA">test-a works!</p> <!--@ src/app/test-a/test-a.component.html-->
<p i18n="@@testB">test-b works!</p> <!-- src/app/components/test-b.component.html-->

Finally, run ng extract-i18n --outputPath="src/i18n" and you should see src/i18n/messages.json. However, if you notice bellow, only @@app is being localized, and the rest aren't.

  "locale": "en-US",
  "translations": {
    "app": "app"


During my search for a solution to this problem, I found this demo project. As you can notice, it also has an Atomic Design structure (or at least a version of it).

enter image description here

git clone
cd angular-i18n-2022
npm install
ng extract-i18n --outputPath="src/locale" --format="json"

The only modified file is the nested src/app/layout/navbar/navbar.component.html to test my theory, everything else comes from the demo project.

The messages.json output:

  "locale": "en-CA",
  "translations": {
    "1475737827206181859": "Demo companion app for\n  <a href=\"{$PH}\">Phrase blog</a>\n  post.\n  <a href=\"{$PH_1}\">Made with Angular</a>.",
    "navbar": "navbar",
    "615967567956853879": "azcadea logo",
    "7285274704628585281": "azcadea",
    "2821179408673282599": "Home",
    "1726363342938046830": "About",
    "8856905278208146821": " {$ICU} ",
    "7185053985224017078": "{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {Sold out} =1 {Available at 1 outlet} other {Available at\n          {INTERPOLATION} outlets}}",
    "4481891408571585417": " Add to cart ",
    "6223458566712133696": "Image of {$PH}"


I tried comparing my config files to the demo project (angular.json, package.json,, tsconfig.json, tsconfig.spec.json). I've gone over any possible documentation I could find, back and forth. The only notable differences I could find were the angular version latest vs 13.3.0 and the module version in tsconfig.json latest vs es2017/es2022.

My hunch says it's something very simple and I'm just missing a property/path or some declaration to scan the subfolders and not just the app folder. But I've found no indication how to enable this.

Any advice or feedback would be appreciated.


As Volodymyr Mishyn's comment suggests, the component needs to be referenced in other components/modules, for the i18n to be extracted


The example I give at the top, creating new components, doesn't work as the newly generated components don't get automatically referenced anywhere, until you import them in the respective module.

What I missed:

In the demo project, when you generate a component, it automatically gets added to app.module.ts and therefore instantly can be i18n-ed.

In my project, this behavior is not default, so the new component is detached and therefore not i18n-ed - as intended. This may be due to different Angular versions, but that's just speculation on my part.

What confuses me:

I added i18n to my project in the header component src/app/components/header/header.component.html. Obviously it was referenced and built, yet until now the extraction wasn't working. The best I can describe this behavior is that the extraction pipeline was somehow blocked, but it's a weak explanation that holds little merit.


  • Are your components used somewhere? like in other components or routing.

    I got the theory, that the problem is related to tree-shaking.

    your components don't finish up in the final bundle during build, and so no i18n got extracted.

    I tried this theory on my pet project

    import { Routes } from '@angular/router';
    import { HomeComponent } from './home/home.component';
    import { FirstComponent } from './first/first.component';
    // import { SecondComponent } from './second/second.component'; Commented this line
    export const routes: Routes = [
      { path: '', redirectTo: '/home', pathMatch: 'full' },
      { path: 'home', component: HomeComponent },
      { path: 'first', component: FirstComponent },
      // { path: 'second', component: SecondComponent }, and this line
        path: '**',
        redirectTo: '/home',

    and running

    ng extract-i18n --output-path src/locale

    omits i18n strings from SecondComponent in result file

    So try using your components somewhere.