When trying to host my webpage with a three.js background, everything loads properly when hosted locally but as soon as I push it up to github pages nothing loads - just html.
I am using vite to package my code, and gh-pages to deploy the 'dist' folder to the hosted branch. I have tried changing the urls of all images and assets to '/image' and storing the images in a public folder inside the root folder, as vite recommends. I run $ npm run build, and $ npm run preview and everything looks good. I run npm run deploy (I added a deploy script in package.json, deploy: 'gh-pages -d dist'), and then host the gh-pages branch on github pages and only the html shows up, and the console shows multiple 404: file not found errors.
The hosted code is on the gh-pages branch, if that hasn't been clear already.
The url to your JS and CSS files is wrong.
Your github page is trying to load the the JS from https://talmage89.github.io/assets/index.2e5bc2a5.js
But it should be:
The Vite documentation hss specific instructions for setting the base when hosting on Github Pages