I have written code that leverages Azure SDK for Blobs in order to interact with the blob storage.
As a clever and dutiful developer, I have not tested my code by navigating the live application, but rather created a Spring Boot JUnit test and spent a few hours fixing all my mistakes. I didn't use anyh kind of mocking, in fact, as my problem was using the library the correct way. I ran the code against a live instance of a blob storage and checked that all my Java methods worked as expected.
I am writing here because
I know from the very beginning that hardcoding credentials into code is a worst practice, but since this morning I wanted to focus on my task. Now I want to adopt the best practices. I am asking about redesigning the test structure
Testing code is this.
The code creates an ephemeral container and tries to store/retrieve/delete blobs. It uses a GUID to create a unique private workspace, to clear after test is finished.
@SpringBootTest(classes = FileRepositoryServiceAzureBlobImplTest.class)
@TestPropertySource(properties = {
"azure-storage-connection-string:[not going to post it on Stackoverflow before rotating it]"
class FileRepositoryServiceAzureBlobImplTest {
private static final Resource LOREM_IPSUM = new ClassPathResource("loremipsum.txt", FileRepositoryServiceAzureBlobImplTest.class);
private FileRepositoryServiceAzureBlobImpl uut;
private BlobContainerClient blobContainerClient;
private String loremChecksum;
private String azureConnectionString;
private String azureContainerName;
void beforeEach() throws IOException {
String containerName = azureContainerName + "-" + UUID.randomUUID();
blobContainerClient = new BlobContainerClientBuilder()
.httpLogOptions(new HttpLogOptions().setApplicationId("az-sp-sb-aml"))
.clientOptions(new ClientOptions().setApplicationId("az-sp-sb-aml"))
uut = spy(new FileRepositoryServiceAzureBlobImpl(blobContainerClient));
try (InputStream loremIpsumInputStream = LOREM_IPSUM.getInputStream();) {
loremChecksum = DigestUtils.sha256Hex(loremIpsumInputStream);
.upload(BinaryData.fromString("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"));
void afterEach() throws IOException {
void store_ok() {
String desiredFileName = "loremIpsum.txt";
FileItemDescriptor output = assertDoesNotThrow(() -> uut.store(LOREM_IPSUM, desiredFileName));
() -> assertThat(output, is(notNullValue())),
() -> assertThat(output, hasProperty("uri", hasToString(Matchers.startsWith("azure-blob://")))),
() -> assertThat(output, hasProperty("size", equalTo(LOREM_IPSUM.contentLength()))),
() -> assertThat(output, hasProperty("checksum", equalTo(loremChecksum))),
() -> {
String localPart = substringAfter(output.getUri().toString(), "azure-blob://");
() -> assertTrue(blobContainerClient.getBlobClient(localPart).exists())
In production (but also in SIT/UAT), the real Spring Boot application will get the configuration from the Container environment, including the storage connection string. Yes, for this kind of test I could also avoid using Spring and @TestPropertySource
, because I'm not leveraging any bean from the context.
I want to ask how can I amend this test in order to
Here is the build job comprised of tests
- task: Gradle@2
displayName: Build with Gradle
gradleWrapperFile: gradlew
gradleOptions: -Xmx3072m $(gradleJavaProperties)
options: -Pci=true -PbuildId=$(Build.BuildId) -PreleaseType=${{parameters.releaseType}}
jdkVersionOption: 1.11
jdkArchitectureOption: x64
publishJUnitResults: true
sqAnalysisEnabled: true
sqGradlePluginVersionChoice: specify
sqGradlePluginVersion: 3.2.0
testResultsFiles: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/build/test-results/**/TEST-*.xml'
tasks: clean build
Note 1: the live application can be kick-started without the storage connection string. It falls back to a local temporary directory.
The answer is a bit complex to explain, so I did my best
Note that the original variable names are redacted and YMMV if you try to recreate the example with the exact keys I used
Example name testStorageAccountConnectionString
- task: Gradle@3
displayName: Build with Gradle
gradleWrapperFile: gradlew
gradleOptions: -Xmx10240m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -DAZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING=$(AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING)
options: --build-cache -Pci=true -PgitCommitId=$(Build.SourceVersion) -PbuildId=$(Build.BuildId) -Preckon.stage=${{parameters.versionStage}} -Preckon.scope=${{parameters.versionScope}}
jdkVersionOption: 1.11
jdkArchitectureOption: x64
publishJUnitResults: true
sqAnalysisEnabled: true
sqGradlePluginVersionChoice: specify
sqGradlePluginVersion: 3.2.0
testResultsFiles: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/build/test-results/**/TEST-*.xml'
tasks: clean build
AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING: $(testStorageAccountConnectionString)
from an environment variable AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING
. Please read the docs and try it locally first. This means we need to run the test with an environment variable propely set in order to resolve the placeholder-D
adds an environment variable AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING
to the test run equal to the pipeline environment variable AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING
(not that fantasy)Gradle's env attributes set environment variable for the pipeline container. In this case, we make sure that Gradle runs with AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING
set to testStorageAccountConnectionString
. Env is the only place where Azure pipelines agent will resolve and set free the content of the secret variable