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how to get the sum of data numbers inside an array

I am currently studying Vue and creating a personal account for the gazoline company.

I have an API IMG in console log inside the data array there is also a transfer array, also u can see in below picture.

enter image description here

This data is output like this :

enter image description here

I want to get the amount of income in each tankfarme. How can I do it ?

somehow I was able to get the amount of the expense, but it receives the entire amount, and not in one tankfarm. Here is code

const getSumExpense = computed(() => {
 let array =;
 let sum = 0;
 array.forEach((element) => {
 let arrayIncome = element.transfer;

 arrayIncome.forEach((el) => {
  sum = sum + el.expense;

return sum;

please help me, if you do not understand what I wrote, also tell me, I will try to write better


  • You can Array.prototype.reduce()


    const arrayIncome = [{expense: 20}, {expense: 30}, {expense: 40}]
    const sum = arrayIncome.reduce((a, { expense: e }) => a + e, 0)