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How do I create or extract the certificate from a signed jar file

I am working on extracting the metadata from jar file. One of the metadata component is the certificate. I have a signed jar file that has *.DSA and *.SC files generated. Is there a way to programmatically create a certificate file from these files in java?


  • A signed jar should have (for each signature, if more than one)

    • a signer.SF (not .SC) entry which, like the manifest, has some global attributes plus a digest of each jar entry (class, resource, etc) covered by the signature and

    • a signer.{RSA,DSA,EC} entry which is a PKCS7 (aka CMS) 'detached' signature. Such a PKCS7/CMS signature can and usually (at least from jarsigner) does contain the signer's cert chain -- or more exactly the certs making up that chain, since cert chains are normally ordered (certainly they are in a Java keystore) but the certs in a PKCS7/CMS SignedData are defined in ASN.1 as a SET which doesn't preserve order.

    'Plain' Java does not expose classes for dealing with PKCS7 (although they exist internally), but if you can use (add) bcprov from it does and you can use code like this to write the certs as DER or PEM files:

    import org.bouncycastle.cert.X509CertificateHolder;
        byte[] sig = // contents of the signer.RSA/DSA/EC entry e.g. using ZipFile
        int n = 0; boolean DER = // true or false as desired
        for( X509CertificateHolder cert : new CMSSignedData(sig).getCertificates().getMatches(null) ){
            byte[] der = cert.getEncoded(); String filename = "cert"+(++n);
            if( DER ) Files.write(Paths.get(filename), der);
            else try( PemWriter w = new PemWriter(new FileWriter(filename)) ){
                w.writeObject( new PemObject("CERTIFICATE",der) );

    Of course instead of writing files, you can do other storage or processing in the loop.