I have the following types :
Inductive instr : Set :=
| Select : nat -> instr
| Backspace : instr.
Definition prog := list instr.
and a function to 'execute' the program :
Fixpoint execProg (p:prog) (head: list nat) (input: list nat)
: option (list nat) :=
match p with
| nil => match input with
| nil => Some head
| _::_ => None
| m::rest =>
match m with
| Select n =>
match input with
| nil => None
| x::r => if (beq_nat n x ) then
match (execProg rest (head++[x]) r) with
| None => None
| Some l => Some l
else None
| Backspace =>
match input with
| nil => None
| x::r => match (execProg rest (removelast head) r) with
| None => None
| Some l => Some l
I can try it on various inputs :
Eval compute in
execProg (Backspace::Select 1::Select 4::Backspace::nil)
nil (1::1::4::5::nil).
Now I'd like to prove the following lemma:
Lemma app_denoteSB :
forall (a b:nat) (p:prog) (input output:list nat) ,
execProg p [] input = Some output ->
execProg (p++[Select a; Backspace]) [] (input ++ [a;b])
= Some output.
But I don't see how to do that. As normally, the size of the instr stack should be the same as the size of the data (input list), I can change the structures and create a list of pairs (instr,nat), and run the induction on this new list.
But out of curiosity, I was wondering if there was a way to prove the lemma without the new structure.
Is it possible ?
Thanks !!
The issue is that your statement is not general enough to go through by induction, because the inductive step needs to handle values of head
other than []
. The fix is easy:
Require Import Arith.
Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Inductive instr : Set :=
| Select : nat -> instr
| Backspace : instr.
Definition prog := list instr.
Fixpoint execProg (p:prog) (head input: list nat) : option (list nat) :=
match p, input with
| [], [] => Some head
| [], _ :: _ => None
| Select n :: rest, [] => None
| Select n :: rest, x :: r =>
if beq_nat n x then execProg rest (head++[x]) r
else None
| Backspace :: rest, [] => None
| Backspace :: rest, x :: r => execProg rest (removelast head) r
Lemma app_denoteSB :
forall (a b:nat) (p:prog) (head: list nat) (input output:list nat) ,
execProg p head input = Some output ->
execProg (p++[Select a; Backspace]) head (input ++ [a;b]) = Some output.
intros a b p.
induction p as [|[n|] p IH].
- intros head [|??]; simpl; try easy.
intros output H; injection H as <-.
now rewrite Nat.eqb_refl, removelast_last.
- intros head [|x input] output; simpl; try easy.
destruct (Nat.eqb_spec n x) as [<-|ne]; try easy.
apply IH.
- intros head [|x input] output; simpl; try easy.
apply IH.