I'm trying to set conditional formatting in a specific group of cells J9:N12 with a locked cell I9 (110). In Cells J9:N12 I need the conditional formatting to set 1,2,7,8,13,14 as Black Fill w/ White Text, 3,4,9,10,15,16 as Red Fill w/ Black Text, 5,6,11,12,17,18 as Blue Fill w/ White Text. Then if I Change (I9) to 277 the Fills would change to reflect Brown/Orange/Yellow in place of the Black/Red/Blue.
Yes, I can Conditional Format the cells I need based on the information set in cell (I9) 110 or 277.
The series of numbers I need to format is greater than 120. I cannot set Conditional Formatting for each specific number needed. Minimallistically I need to be able to set Conditional Formatting to around 150-160 numbers.
I don't know if I need to utilize VBA or if Conditional Formatting is the way to go.
You could use conditional formatting for this. I'd be tempted to put the number series in an array and test for a find in the array using MATCH
. This way, you'd only need as many conditional formatting rules as there are number series.
I'm not certain, but I believe you can't write an array directly into a conditional format rule, but you could refer to it from something like a range name. In any event, a range name would be easier to manage if you needed to change any of the number series.
For example, in the black/brown case, you could create a range name (Formulas->Define Name), called black-brown, and in the Refers To window, have the formula:
Then your conditional formatting rule would be something like:
Note my cell to be tested is in B2 - change that to whatever you need.
You'd just add rules for each of your number series cases, as shown below: