Is it possible to save changes to a Label Caption in a userform in Excel VBA, so that they are permanently saved, and only changed when you enter a new change? I have checked, that the code is changing the caption, but I cannot get it to stick, so that it is still there next time I open the userform. Thank you in advance
Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()
'resets participants email and name
If Me.optProg.Value = True Then
Me.NameLabelProg.Caption = Me.CB_Part.Value
Me.MailLabelProg.Caption = Me.TB_Mail.Value
ElseIf Me.optTester.Value = True Then
Me.MailLabelTest.Caption = Me.CB_Part.Value
Me.NameLabelTest.Caption = Me.TB_Mail.Value
End If
End Sub
Check out this userform example and you'll find answers to many of your questions.