I use Hilt as DI in an Android Studio project, and viewModel()
will create an instance of SoundViewModel
Code A works well.
I think viewModel()
will create an Singleton of SoundViewModel
I think mViewMode_A
will be assigned to mViewMode_B
automatically without creating a new instance in Code B.
I think both mViewMode_A
and mViewMode_B
will point the same instance in Code B.
But I don't know why I get Result B when I run Code B, could you tell me?
Result B
java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot create an instance of class info.dodata.soundmeter.presentation.viewmodel.SoundViewModel
Code A
fun NavGraph(
mViewModel_A: SoundViewModel = viewModel()
) {
ScreenHome(mViewMode_B = mViewMode1_A)
fun ScreenHome(
mViewModel_B: SoundViewModel
) {
class SoundViewModel @Inject constructor(
@ApplicationContext private val appContext: Context,
): ViewModel() {
Code B
fun NavGraph(
mViewMode_A: SoundViewModel = viewModel()
) {
fun ScreenHome(
mViewMode_B: SoundViewModel = viewModel() // I think mViewMode_A will be assigned to mViewMode_B automatically without creating a new instnace.
) {
//The same
You need to pass the key in ViewModel initialization
I'm not good at Composable but this will resolve your problem
For creating a new instance of ViewModel we need to set Key property
ViewModelProvider(requireActivity()).get(<UniqueKey>, SoundViewModel::class.java)
key – The key to use to identify the ViewModel.
val mViewMode_A = viewModel<SoundViewModel>(key = "NavGraph")
val mViewMode_B = viewModel<SoundViewModel>(key = "ScreenHome")
For Composable this link may help you separateViewmodel