I'm trying to write a .pdf report using papaja
r package. It's not in English so I need to translate some fixed parts to Polish. I managed to translate figure and table name thanks to this question, using:
Yet I don't know how to translate table note from apa_table()
from "Note." to "Adnotacja.". The workaround is to keep .tex file, find & replace and render outside RStudio. Is it possible to set it inside the RMarkdown file?
Some of these words are defined in global options named papaja.terms
, and you might even want to change more than just the note here to avoid the latex quick fixes all together. See the options here:
> getOption("papaja.terms")
[1] "Author note"
[1] "Abstract"
[1] "Keywords"
[1] "Word count"
[1] "Table"
[1] "Figure"
[1] "Note"
[1] "Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to "
[1] "E-mail"
In order to change the language of the word corresponding to 'note'.
polish_terms <- getOption("papaja.terms")
polish_terms$note <- "Adnotacja"
options("papaja.terms" = polish_terms)