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How to set dataType to String for Swagger documentation

I am using glassfish 4.1.1 and have integrated Swagger API documentation using the swagger 1.6.6 library.

I have a base class that looks something like this:

@ApiModel(value = "long")
public abstract class MyBaseClass {
   private long value;
   public long getValue() {
      return value;

   public long getMaxValue(){
        return 999999999;
   public long getMinValue(){
        return 999999999;

Also I have classes that inherit this base class which look something like this:

  public class MyClass extends MyBaseClass {
     public MyClass(long value) {
     public static MyClass Empty = new MyClass();

I expect the result to look like this:

 MyClass: "String"

but I get the following result:

 "MyClass": {
    "minValue": 0,
    "maxValue": 0,
    "empty": true

I have tried putting the @ApiModelProperty annotation on the field as well as the method, and in both cases the required field is respected, but the dataType field is ignored. I have also tried using "String", "string", and "java.lang.String" for the dataType but none of those have worked. I read a similar post How to set @ApiModelProperty dataType to String for Swagger documentation but it uses springfox and (Swagger 3.0). I am using swagger 1.6.6

Please tell me where which property can be configured to get the required result?


  • Might be useful to someone. In the end, in the class in which I use this type I put the @ApiModelProperty(dataType="string") anatomy everywhere,

      public MyClass var;

    the result began to look as it should:

     MyClass: "String"

    but this is not quite what I needed. I was looking for a solution where I don't have to put @ApiModelProperty(dataType="string") everywhere when using this type.