I have a couple of buttons with antd
library and want to add the loading state for each. I create multiple states to control those loadings
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
const [loadingSave, setLoadingSave] = useState(false); //for save button
const [loadingDelete, setLoadingDelete] = useState(false); //for delete button
const [loadingDownload, setLoadingDownload] = useState(false); //for download button
This works but it seems my code is quite messy. If there are more buttons that need loading animation, it just becomes worse. Is there anyway to refactor this? Thank you in advance!
One clean way is to use React hook useReducer adding more states will be easier and more clean. To master useReducer check this blog https://blog.logrocket.com/react-usereducer-hook-ultimate-guide/
In the React documentation React does not advice using one useState with an object of data
It advices to using multiple useState.
const initialState = {
loading: true,
loadingSave: false,
loadingDelete: false,
loadingDownload: false,
function handlingStatesReducer(state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case 'setState': {
return {
[action.fieldName!]: action.payload,
return state;
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(handlingStatesReducer, initialState);
const { loadingDownload, loadingDelete, loadingSave, loading } = state;
/// To setState
type: "setState",
fieldName: "loading",
payload: false