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How to add up total for range of columns across rows with associated weights

I want to take the dementia_yn & tumour_yn columns and sum them across the row for a patient. But I want to add them up with weights associated for different columns

weights = { "dementia": 2, "tumour_yn": 4 }

patients = [('pat1', 'C77', 'F01', 'M32', 'M315', 1, 1),
         ('pat2', 'I099', 'I278', 'M05', 'F01', 1, 0),
         ('pat3', 'N057', 'N057', 'N058', 'N057', 0, 0)]
labels = ['patient_num', 'DIAGX1', 'DIAGX2', 'DIAGX3', 'DIAGX4', 'dementia_yn', 'tumour_yn']
df_patients = pd.DataFrame.from_records(patients, columns=labels)

patient_num DIAGX1  DIAGX2  DIAGX3  DIAGX4  dementia_yn  tumour_yn
pat1        C77     F01     M32     M315    1            1
pat2        I099    I278    M05     F01     1            0
pat3        N057    N057    N058    N057    0            0

patient_num DIAGX1  DIAGX2  DIAGX3  DIAGX4  dementia_yn  tumour_yn  total
pat1        C77     F01     M32     M315    1            1          6
pat2        I099    I278    M05     F01     1            0          2
pat3        N057    N057    N058    N057    0            0          0


  • Let us try dot

    #weights = { "dementia_yn": 2, "tumour_yn": 4 }
    df_patients['total'] = df_patients[weights.keys()].dot(list(weights.values()))