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Adding a timer to giveaway command

I was trying to create a discord bot with giveaway command which updates time left every 1-2 mins in giveaway embed . I have been trying it since 3 days but wasn't able to find a solution. I managed to make it update seconds, but if I specify time more than 1m i.e. 60 seconds it automatically converts it to seconds and starts giveaway with time left in just seconds . I want it to keep time in given unit and update time in --days, --hours, --minutes, --seconds left.

Here are a few images what i mean:

What it currently do:

enter image description here

What i want it to do:

enter image description here

Its just Ends In Or Time remaining what i want to be changed!

My current code:

    async def gstart(self, ctx, duration, *, prize):
        time = self.convert(duration)
        if time == -1:
            await ctx.send(f'Answer Time With A Proper Unit (s, m, h, d)')
        elif time == -2:
            await ctx.send(f'Time Must Be A Integer!')
        giveawayembed = discord.Embed(
            title="🎉 New Giveaway! 🎉",
            description=f"**Prize:** {prize}\n"
                        f"**Hosted By:** {}\n"
                        f"**Ends In:** {time} Seconds",

        msg = await ctx.send(embed=giveawayembed)

        reactions = await msg.add_reaction("🎉")

        while time:
            await sleep(10)
            time -= 10
            giveawayembed.description= f"**Prize:** {prize}\n**Hosted By:** {}\n**Ends In:** {time} Seconds"
            await msg.edit(embed=giveawayembed)

        new_msg = await ctx.fetch_message(

        users = await new_msg.reactions[0].users().flatten()

        winner = random.choice(users)

        endembed = discord.Embed(
            title="Giveaway ended!",
            description=f"Prize: {prize}\nWinner: {winner.mention}")

        await msg.edit(embed=endembed)
        await ctx.send(f"🎉 Giveaway Winner: {winner.mention} | Prize: {prize}")

For Converting Time I Have:

class Giveaway(commands.Cog):
    def __init__(self, client):
        self.client = client

    def convert(self, time):
        pos = ["s", "m", "h", "d"]
        time_dict = {"s" : 1, "m" : 60, "h" : 3600, "d" : 3600*24}
        unit = time[-1]

        if unit not in pos:
            return -1
            val = int(time[:-1])
            return -2

        return val * time_dict[unit]

Any help is highly appreciated! 😁 And I m sorry if I wasn't able to make you understand my problem. 😅


  • I understand your problem as it is actually a very simple fix, you can either import time, or use await asyncio.sleep(time)

    Before using the code I am providing, make sure to import asyncio in your imports.

    Your code:

        async def gstart(self, ctx, duration, *, prize):
            time = self.convert(duration)
            if time == -1:
                await ctx.send(f'Answer Time With A Proper Unit (s, m, h, d)')
            elif time == -2:
                await ctx.send(f'Time Must Be A Integer!')
            giveawayembed = discord.Embed(
                title="🎉 New Giveaway! 🎉",
                description=f"**Prize:** {prize}\n"
                            f"**Hosted By:** {}\n"
                            f"**Ends In:** {time} Seconds",
            msg = await ctx.send(embed=giveawayembed)
            reactions = await msg.add_reaction("🎉")
            while time:
                await sleep(10)
                time -= 10
                giveawayembed.description= f"**Prize:** {prize}\n**Hosted By:** {}\n**Ends In:** {time} Seconds"
                await msg.edit(embed=giveawayembed)
            new_msg = await ctx.fetch_message(
            users = await new_msg.reactions[0].users().flatten()
            winner = random.choice(users)
            endembed = discord.Embed(
                title="Giveaway ended!",
                description=f"Prize: {prize}\nWinner: {winner.mention}")
            await msg.edit(embed=endembed)
            await ctx.send(f"🎉 Giveaway Winner: {winner.mention} | Prize: {prize}")

    In both fixes I will fix a slight problem that could easily be fixed, you have it so while time, it will go down by 10, I recommend doing it so it says while time > 0: so that once it hits 0 it wont keep counting down.

    Easy fix using await asyncio.sleep(time):

        async def gstart(self, ctx, duration, *, prize):
            time = self.convert(duration)
            if time == -1:
                await ctx.send(f'Answer Time With A Proper Unit (s, m, h, d)')
            elif time == -2:
                await ctx.send(f'Time Must Be A Integer!')
            giveawayembed = discord.Embed(
                title="🎉 New Giveaway! 🎉",
                description=f"**Prize:** {prize}\n"
                            f"**Hosted By:** {}\n"
                            f"**Ends In:** {time} Seconds",
            msg = await ctx.send(embed=giveawayembed)
            reactions = await msg.add_reaction("🎉")
                    while time >= 0:
                if time <= 60:
                    giveaway.insert_field_at(index=1, name='Ends:', value=f'{time} second(s) from now')
                    await my_msg.edit(embed=giveaway)
                    time -= 10
                    await asyncio.sleep(10)
                elif 60 <= time < 3600:
                    giveaway.insert_field_at(index=1, name='Ends:', value=f'{time/60} minute(s) from now')
                    await my_msg.edit(embed=giveaway)
                    time -= 6
                    await asyncio.sleep(6)
                elif 3600 <= time < 86400:
                    giveaway.insert_field_at(index=1, name='Ends:', value=f'{time/3600} hour(s) from now')
                    await my_msg.edit(embed=giveaway)
                    time -= 360
                    await asyncio.sleep(360)
                elif time >= 86400:
                    giveaway.insert_field_at(index=1, name='Ends:', value=f'{time/86400} day(s) from now')
                    await my_msg.edit(embed=giveaway)
                    time -= 8640
                    await asyncio.sleep(8640)
            if time <= 0:
                giveaway.insert_field_at(index=1, name='Ends:', value=f'Ended at {"%B %d, %I:%M %p")}') # noqa
                await my_msg.edit(embed=giveaway)
            await asyncio.sleep(time)
            new_msg = await ctx.fetch_message(
            users = await new_msg.reactions[0].users().flatten()
            winner = random.choice(users)
            endembed = discord.Embed(
                title="Giveaway ended!",
                description=f"Prize: {prize}\nWinner: {winner.mention}")
            await msg.edit(embed=endembed)
            await ctx.send(f"🎉 Giveaway Winner: {winner.mention} | Prize: {prize}")