Search code examples

DiffUtil.Callback getChangePayload oldItem is same as newItem

I have a DiffUtil.Callback that compares 2 lists of model StorageModelUi.

sealed class StorageModelUi {
    class ServerItem(val server: Server): StorageModelUi()
    class StorageContent(val used: Int, val large: Int, val server: Server, val attachmentWithMessageList: List<AttachmentWithMessage>): StorageModelUi()

data class AttachmentWithMessage(
    val attachment: Attachment,

    @Relation(entity = Message::class, parentColumn = "attachments_message_id", entityColumn = "messages_message_id")
    val message: Message

Each StorageModelUi item can be either a Server (which is like a Header to the RecyclerView) or a StorageContent (which is 2 TextViews and a RecyclerView below them). So i create a list of StorageModelUi with the function

fun Map<Server, List<AttachmentWithMessage>>.groupToStorageModelUi(): List<StorageModelUi> {
    val final = mutableListOf<StorageModelUi>()

    for ((server, list) in this) {

                used = list.sumOf { s -> s.attachment.size },
                large = list.filter { s -> s.attachment.size > 5 * 1000 * 1024 }.sumOf { s -> s.attachment.size },
                server = server,
                attachmentWithMessageList = list
    return final

The recyclerView gets updated when an attachment is being downloaded, so the only thing that changes the UI is the percent, which i take it from the attachmentWithMessage.message.body field. For that reason i have created a DiffUtil to trace that change and return a payload to the BindViewHolder.

class StorageDiffUtilCallback(
    private val oldList: List<StorageModelUi>,
    private val newList: List<StorageModelUi>
): DiffUtil.Callback() {

    override fun getOldListSize(): Int =

    override fun getNewListSize(): Int =

    override fun areItemsTheSame(oldItemPosition: Int, newItemPosition: Int): Boolean {
        val oldItem = oldList[oldItemPosition]
        val newItem = newList[newItemPosition]

        return if (oldItem is StorageModelUi.StorageContent && newItem is StorageModelUi.StorageContent)
            oldItem.server.serverId == newItem.server.serverId
        else if (oldItem is StorageModelUi.ServerItem && newItem is StorageModelUi.ServerItem)
            oldItem.server.serverId == newItem.server.serverId
        else false

    override fun areContentsTheSame(oldItemPosition: Int, newItemPosition: Int): Boolean {
        val oldItem = oldList[oldItemPosition]
        val newItem = newList[newItemPosition]

        return if (oldItem is StorageModelUi.StorageContent && newItem is StorageModelUi.StorageContent) {
   { it.message } == { it.message }
        } else if (oldItem is StorageModelUi.ServerItem && newItem is StorageModelUi.ServerItem)
            oldItem.server.serverId == newItem.server.serverId
        else false

    override fun getChangePayload(oldItemPosition: Int, newItemPosition: Int): Any? {
        val oldItem = oldList[oldItemPosition]
        val newItem = newList[newItemPosition]
        println("## $$ $oldItem")
        println("## $$ $newItem")

        return when {
            oldItem is StorageModelUi.StorageContent && newItem is StorageModelUi.StorageContent -> {
                println("## $$ oldItem is StorageModelUi.StorageContent")
                if (oldItem.large != newItem.large) {
                    println("## $$ large")
                    Bundle().apply {
                        putString("key", "large")
                } else if (oldItem.used != newItem.used) {
                    println("## $$ used")
                    Bundle().apply {
                        putString("key", "used")
                } else if ( { it.message.body.value } != { it.message.body.value }) {
                    println("## $$ IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN HERE BUT IT DOES NOT...!!!!!!!")
                    println("## $$ attachmentWithMessageList payLoad")
                    Bundle().apply {
                        putString("key", "percent")
                else {
                    println("## $$ First else")
                    super.getChangePayload(oldItemPosition, newItemPosition)
            else -> {
                println("## $$ super else")
                super.getChangePayload(oldItemPosition, newItemPosition)

The list of the RecyclerView is updated with this

storageViewModel.storageModelUi.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) {
            it?.let {

    // StorageRecycler Adapter
    var storage = mutableListOf<StorageModelUi>()

    fun updateStorage(newStorage: List<StorageModelUi>) {
        val diffCallback = StorageDiffUtilCallback(, newStorage)
        val diffResult = DiffUtil.calculateDiff(diffCallback)
// Inside BindViewHolder of the StorageRecycler 
fun bind(storage: StorageModelUi.StorageContent, storageCallback: RecyclerCallback.StorageCallback) {

            val viewManager = LinearLayoutManager(itemView.context)
            viewManager.initialPrefetchItemCount = storage.attachmentWithMessageList.size
            viewAdapter = DownloadRecyclerAdapter(storageCallback)

            downloadRecycler.apply {
                layoutManager = viewManager
                adapter = viewAdapter


        fun bindTexts(storage: StorageModelUi.StorageContent) {
            used.text = FileUtils.getFileSize(storage.used.toLong())
            large.text = FileUtils.getFileSize(storage.large.toLong())

        fun bindAdapter(storage: StorageModelUi.StorageContent) {
            viewAdapter.server = storage.server
            viewAdapter.updateItem( storage.attachmentWithMessageList.toMutableList())

// Nested RecyclerAdapter (that shows the Download attachments
var downloadItems = mutableListOf<AttachmentWithMessage>()
    var server: Server? = null

    fun updateItem(newDownloadItem: List<AttachmentWithMessage>) {
        val diffCallback = DownloadRecyclerDiffUtilCallback(this.downloadItems, newDownloadItem)
        val diffResult = DiffUtil.calculateDiff(diffCallback)

However, i have noticed that although the "areContentsTheSame" returns false, when it goes to the getChangePayload, it never goes inside the 3rd IF statement. So after debugging it seems that the oldItem == newItem returns true, and as i see in the Logcat, the oldItem.message == newItem.message. How can this be? I mean why the old and new items are the same??


  • Problem solved. First of all we should declare the list inside the Adapter as listOf<> and not as mutableListOf(). That means that the .clear() and .addAll() should change. After that in the DiffUtil.Callback i should check the fields that i only need