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How can I handle long response in OkHttp Java?

I am attempting to use okhttp-3.12.0 and okio-1.9.0 in my JAVA project to make POST call to a web service.

I am able to successfully create the record, however, the web service returns a response of data type long which then throws a NoSuchMethodError because the OkHttp library tries to read it with readUtf8LineStrict.

Can someone with more experience advise me on how to work through this problem? Do I need to make changes to the underlying library or should I take a different approach?

  1. Make Post Call
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
  1. Web Service Returns Response Body
  1. OkHttp Java library throws
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'java.lang.String okio.BufferedSource.readUtf8LineStrict(long)'


  • I was able to receive a long text response by updating the libraries I was using.

    These two libraries are the most up to date versions I could work WITHOUT Kotlin.

    1. okhttp 3.12.0
    2. okio 1.17.5