So I have some data i saved it as Varchar on database, data ex:3578012605010001
and when I export the data to excel, it'll change to 3,57801E+15
, then I tried to change it as Number, the result is 3578012605010000
i think it's works. But then i realize that it didn't, it change the last number from 1 to 0, that is not the exact data from the database. I wanted a result that export an exact data like 3578012605010001
Anw, this is my code to export from query to excel, im using Laravel Excel package.
class PengawasExport extends \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\StringValueBinder implements FromCollection, WithHeadings, ShouldAutoSize, WithColumnFormatting
* @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
public function collection()
$dataTanggalMulai = Master::first();
$dataTanggalSelesai = Master::first();
$from = $dataTanggalMulai->periode_mulai;
$to = $dataTanggalSelesai->periode_akhir;
$pengawas = Penugasan::join('pengawas', 'penugasans.pengawas_id', '')
->join('ujians', 'penugasans.ujian_id', '')
->groupBy('pengawas.nama', 'pengawas.nik', 'pengawas.pns', '', 'pengawas.norek')
->whereBetween('ujians.tanggal', [$from, $to])
->selectRaw('pengawas.nama, pengawas.nik, pengawas.pns,, pengawas.norek, count(*) as total')
return $pengawas;
public function headings(): array
return [
'Status Kepegawaian',
'Nama Bank',
'Nomor Rekening',
'Total Mengawas'
public function columnFormats(): array
return [
'A' => NumberFormat::FORMAT_TEXT,
'B' => NumberFormat::FORMAT_NUMBER,
'C' => NumberFormat::FORMAT_TEXT,
'D' => NumberFormat::FORMAT_TEXT,
'E' => NumberFormat::FORMAT_NUMBER
And here are my example datasets that i want to export
try this add '0' for specific columns you need to display the full number
public function columnFormats(): array
return [
// F is the column
'F' => '0'