Im trying to create a mosaic in Google Earth Engine and get an error message ' is not a function' on the line in which i add the layer to the map. Does anyone know what is going on?
var path38 = ee.ImageCollection("LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_L2")
.filterDate('2013-07-20', '2013-08-01')
ee.Filter.and(ee.Filter.eq('WRS_PATH', 38),
ee.Filter.eq('WRS_ROW', 25)),
ee.Filter.and(ee.Filter.eq('WRS_PATH', 38),
ee.Filter.eq('WRS_ROW', 26)),
ee.Filter.and(ee.Filter.eq('WRS_PATH', 38),
ee.Filter.eq('WRS_ROW', 27))));
var visParams = {
bands: ['SR_B4', 'SR_B3', 'SR_B2'],
min: 8000,
max: 20000,
gamma: 2.8,
Map.addLayer(path38, visParams, 'path38SR2011');
var p38mos = path38.mosaic;
var visParams = {
bands: ['SR_B4', 'SR_B3', 'SR_B2'],
min: 8000,
max: 20000,
gamma: 2.8,
Map.addLayer(p38mos, visParams, 'p38_2013');
var p38mos = path38.mosaic;
You missed actually calling the method, and thus got a type error later. This line should be:
var p38mos = path38.mosaic();