I'm currently learning IntelliJ's GUI designer but I'm struggling to find documentation or any guides. So far I have watch a fantastic introductory youtube series from a guy called Scott Couprie, which I really recommend to any complete beginners reading this.
I would like to do three things. If anybody has a link to documentation or guides that'd be great.
EDIT: I have now discovered this can be changed with setTitle("Title").
Change the system menu icon. I am using MacOS so I don't even see an icon in the preview, so I'm not even sure where the icon goes. EDIT: while I can't confirm this is working due to using MacOS, I see that you can use the following in the constructor:
ImageIcon img = new ImageIcon("images/16x16.png"); setIconImage(img.getImage());
Be able to click a button and go to another form. So far I have been able to switch panels after pressing a button, but only to other panels within the same form itself.
I have tried searching for related documentation or youtube videos but I'm not sure what terms to search.
This can be changed with:
setTitle("Whatever you want the title to say");