I'm using Binance to Google Sheets which is coded in Google Apps Script to get data from Binance API into a Google Sheet. (https://github.com/diegomanuel/binance-to-google-sheets)
If I use the following formula in Google Sheets I get a list of all trading pairs and their respective prices:
If I use the following formula I get only the price of BTC (quote asset) in USDT (base asset):
=BINANCE("prices", "BTC", "USDT")
I would like to use wildcards to get all quote assets traded against a particular base asset. The following code did not work for me because it does not filter against USDT but brings back all trading pairs:
=BINANCE("prices", ""*"", "USDT")
I would also like to use wildcards to get all base assets traded against a particular quote asset. The following code only returned an error for me:
=BINANCE("prices", "USDT", ""*"")
I would be grateful if anybody could help me find a solution.
If I well understand your request, try
=query(getDataJSON("https://api1.binance.com/api/v3/ticker/24hr",A1:E1),"where Col1 like '%USDT' ")
with this layout
and the following script
function getDataJSON(url, xpath) {
let resultat = [];
function getData(elem, list) {
var prov = []
list.forEach(function (path) { prov.push(elem[path]) })
try {
var json = JSON.parse(UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText())
var list = xpath.join().split(",")
if (json.length) { json.forEach(function (elem) { getData(elem, list) }) } else { getData(json, list) }
return resultat
catch (e) {
return ('No data !');
you can add a dummy parameter in getDataJSON in third position (as a checkbox) to refresh.