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How to get UTC time of my local time with "Z" at the end?

I want to get current time in java in UTC:

So, I'm in Vienna now, the current local time is 16:30:29, current offset to UTC is 2 hours and I want to get


with this Z at the end (indicating "Zulu time").

with this

public static String getIsoUtcDate() {
    Instant inst =;
    return inst.toString();

I get


How to get rid of microseconds?

I tried with SimpleDateFormat also, but with this I'm unable to get Z at the end.


  • You can use a OffsetDateTime and set its offset to UTC. Then use a DateTimeFormatter to format it. Like this:

    public static String getIsoUtcDate() {
        OffsetDateTime nowUtc =
        return DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME.format(nowUtc);