I use i18n-js for translation purposes in my React Native app. But I cannot get any styling like different colors, bold etc. to my translations.
This is my en.js:
import {Text} from "react-native";
const highlightText = (string) =>
string.split(" ").map((word, i) => (
<Text key={i}>
<Text style={{ backgroundColor: "#ECEAFF", color: "#5F5C7E" }}>
const en = {
testTranslation:`This Text has some styling to it: ${highlightText("<h1>Hello</h1>")} isn't that pretty?`,
I use the translation on my screen like this:
import i18n from "i18n-js";
import { de } from "../../../locales/de";
import { en } from "../../../locales/en";
import { fr } from "../../../locales/fr";
i18n.fallbacks = true;
i18n.translations = { en, de, fr };
The outcome is this:
This Text has some styling to it: [object Object] isn't that pretty?
Any help how to style the text is much appreciated!
You can use syntax something like this
Create 3 string in translation file. Example
in translation files
str1: 'this is"
str2: 'bold'
str3: 'copy'
Now you can do something like
<Text className="boldStyle">{i18n.t(str2)}</Text>
There are other patterns for the same. but this is clean and small