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date axis with fixed limit for barplot and/or hist

Given a list of dates

dates <- data.frame(foo = c( 

I can make a histogram easily with the following command:

histo <- hist(as.Date(dates$foo), breaks = "months", freq=TRUE, plot=TRUE)

I can also make a barplot


My issue:

  • How do I create an x-axis which is fixed in time. Let's say starting at 2001-02-03 and finishing at 2011-12-13?
  • How do I add labels on the x-axis for years only, with years tick marks.

Note: I want a monthly histogram, so the proposed solution if possible must preserve the breaks = months or equivalent.


  • I'm too lazy to figure out how to do this using base graphics. It's pretty easy in ggplot2, though:

    ggplot(data = dates,aes(x = as.Date(as.yearmon(foo)))) + 
        geom_bar() + 

    enter image description here

    Note that what you describe is by no means a histogram, but a bar chart. Converting back and forth from yearmon and then back to Date gives you the binning by month, but makes keeping the date scale easy.