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I'm Having Logic Problems with New Input System

Everything up until this point works, what I want is when left & right button is clicked ability.isCharging turns true. If I get rid of the SecondaryFire.IsPressed() then it starts working, but only with the left mouse button (so I think I narrowed it down to a logic problem, apparently I'm just not logical enough to solve this).

Portion of Code from a MonoBehaviour which contains a Scriptable Object

if (ability.isCharging == false && (input.Player.PrimaryFire.IsPressed() == true && input.Player.SecondaryFire.IsPressed() == true))
    ability.isCharging = true;
else if (ability.isCharging == true && input.Player.PrimaryFire.IsPressed() == false)
    ability.isCharging = false;


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class BaseAlternate : Ability
    private float chargePower;
    public float maxChargePower;

    private bool isCoroutineStarted = false;

    private NewPlayerController movement;
    private CharacterController controller;

    public override void Activate(GameObject parent)
        isCoroutineStarted = false;
        movement = parent.GetComponent<NewPlayerController>();
        controller = parent.GetComponent<CharacterController>();
        if (isCoroutineStarted == false)

    IEnumerator charging()
        isCoroutineStarted = true;

        while (isCharging == true)
            chargePower += Time.deltaTime;

            if(chargePower > maxChargePower)
                chargePower = maxChargePower;

            yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
        if (isCharging == false)
        yield return null;

    private void Release()
        chargePower = 0;
        isCoroutineStarted = false;


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Ability : ScriptableObject
    public new string name;
    public float cooldownTime;
    public float activeTime;

    public bool isChargeAttack;
    public bool isCharging;
    public bool isAlternateFire;

    public virtual void Activate(GameObject parent) { }

    public virtual void ChargeAbility(bool buttonIsPressed) { }
    public virtual void ReleaseAbility(GameObject parent) { }


  • Problem solved, seems to be a running theme. Else statement nested wrong in logic, nested it correctly now, but its weird that it worked as planned nested in the wrong area until a second requirement was added.